Heaton Square

1704 North Road, SE

Warren, OH 44484

(330) 856-4111

Fax: (330) 856-5839

Oakwood Counseling Center, Inc.

Interesting in Our Services? Questions?  Contact us below.

Important Points:

1. We cannot schedule, cancel, or reschedule any appointments through this page.  You have to call the office at 330-856-4111 ext. 1 to do so.

2. Due to confidentiality issues, emails are not delivered to therapists. If you wish to contact your therapist please call 330-856-4111 and leave a voice message for that therapist. 

By clicking the SUBMIT button, I acknowledge that I have read the important points above and agree with them. 

Office Hours

Monday - Friday       9 AM - 5 PM*

*Saturday and after hours appointments available upon request

Contact Us